
Friday, November 26, 2021

My End Of The Year Memory Time Capsule

 Today Whaea Jasmine sent out to us tuakana a 'End Of The Year Memory Book time Capsule'. Here is the work I did. 

Friday, November 19, 2021

Cultural Clothing

 For our inquiry this term, we've been researching about different cultures clothing and why it's important to them and their culture's history. This started with a stem challenge where my class and I got put into different groups as well as mixed year levels to then create an art of clothing based on space. A few day later, Whaea Jasmine then wrote down on the whiteboard cultures and the name of the cultures dancer/special clothing. Once we picked 3+ cultures to learn about, we had to make a slide and then start to research on what the clothing were made out of, when it's used and what it's used for. Below is the slide I created. 

Friday, November 5, 2021


 As part of literacy today we learnt about Parihaka. The narrative was told from a granddaughters thinking about the life of her grandmothers living in the Pa. The people of Parihaka started a passive protest against the government selling Maori land to pakeha settlers in 1879. I personally think that we should celebrate Parihaka on November 5th instead of Guy Fawkes. Guy Fawkes has nothing to do with us as New Zealanders. Parihaka is apart of our New Zealander Maori history and everyone should know about what happened. 

Space Science Project

 For the past few weeks of this term Ata Hāpara have been doing a space science project. We first had to complete a few slides last term about each planet as well as the asteroids, comets and the Moon. After that, we had to choose a question to then learn, create and share. The question Kymaira and I chose was “Why Do The Planets Orbit The Sun”

Once we gathered our information we started to create our planets, Sun and we also painted a box black then flicked white paint on to it.

Here is my video I recorded explaining the facts we found.

What do you know about Space?